Customs Valuation Database

An on-line solution for easy and fair determination of the right Customs Value and Tariff code in your hands.

False declarations of tariff and values continue to harm Customs revenue. 

We build an intuitive and easy query system supported by a consolidated National Valuation multi-source Database to assist Customs Administrations to consistently scrutinize imports declarations and determinate the right values and tariff codes.

Major benefits

Key Components

Much more than basic local Price search engine

National Price Database

Consolidate several sources including global trade price intelligence to build a National Price Database which is regularly refreshed.

Advanced data query interface

Support complex combination of search criteria your users could wish for.

Advanced Analytics

Assisted price comparison and trends analytics to reduce analysis time & effort.

Alerts Management

Built-in mechanism allowing to automatically generate a notification when a declared price deviates significantly from the normal price range.

Multiple price surveillance

Automated screening and prices verification against dynamic value ranges

Your Valuation assistant in your pocket

Price evidence research and consultation accessible to frontline officers via mobile devices (Smartphones and Tablets).

Interested by our Customs
Valuation Database?

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